I know a lot of you aren't actually Christian and are probably threatened by this "religious stuff" I put on here. I do need to say that if you are repelled by what I'm saying because of being forced into religion or criticized by others because of your views, all I have to and can say is I'm sorry. I can't say that you should be ashamed by not being "religious" or at the least bit a Christian, but I can say that if you are looking at other Christians' lives and they're messed up or are too prideful with their religion, in behalf of my God, I'm sorry. God never intended Christians to live messed up lives, not that we can be perfect, or force people into our faith. But what God did intend is that through us, that we should help you know your predicament if you don't give your life to Christ. I hope that you can take the time to at least let me plead my case to you. If you are willing or ready to step into the next level of God's plan for your life, feel free to look deeper into our site for more info or click here to continue.
It's worth to live life with a purpose, God gives you that purpose. I believe the meaning of life is to serve God with the satisfaction of reaching the next level of God's purpose for your life and having the certainty of winning the prize.