Activate your Faith

You ask them, then here are the answers!

  • If God is all-powerful, how could He let these tragedies happen? He is all-powerful, but you are asking the wrong question. Perhaps a better one is, "Why He does not wipe us all out for our sins." The answers begin to make sense once you have begin a personal relationship with Him, which includes getting to know Him through His word. Once Christ enters your life, He will speak to you and gradually give you insight into what now does not make sense.
  • Perhaps it was because He knew that only through such a tragedy you would seek Him. Maybe you hadn’t cared to give God ‘the time of day’ until He got your attention through this tragedy. Why don’t you begin a personal relationship with God and ask Him why He spared you at this time? []

  • Why was I spared?
  • Good question! Just look around. It seems that often evil ‘gets the upper hand,’ such as in 1940 when Hitler was overrunning Europe. Nevertheless, his downfall came. The Bible promises an eventual end to evil and a final judgment. What will be your fate at that time?

  • Why is evil ‘rewarded’ and bad things happen to good people?
  • No, but He mixes mercy with justice. He WILL deal with these terrorists, but in His time and place. In the meantime, He is using this tragedy to bring many people to Himself in saving faith.

  • God is unjust.
  • God allows mankind to have freedom of choice. Otherwise, we would just be robots.

  • Why does God allow evil in the world?
  • This is not the world as God planned it, but He does have a plan to redeem it. Come to Christ, read the Bible and find out what His ultimate plan is.

  • Why is there so much suffering?
  • Excellent question. However, God knows what it feels like to lose a child. He sent His own Son to deal with the ultimate issues, and will take care of each child who asks Him for help.

  • Why would God allow innocent children to be orphaned?
  • Yes, many did. We all are going to die until Jesus returns for His Second Coming. Ultimately only the wise God knows, but asks yourself … would you rather die quickly or over 2 – 24 months from cancer? Death in all forms is terrible … but Christ came to give us eternal life, eventually new bodies, and re-uniting with our loved ones who are believers.

  • Didn’t Christians die on Sept. 11th? Why?
  • You cannot hear from someone who you don’t know. First, ask Christ to enter your life, and then begin reading the Bible, starting with the gospel of John and check out .

  • How can I pray? I don’t hear anything back.
  • Excellent. So is the Messiah. He fulfilled all the prophecies of the Torah, Pentateuch and Prophets. Become fully Jewish [as God intended] by receiving His offer of salvation in your promised Messiah!

  • I’m Jewish.
  • Because being predestined does not give one license to live irresponsibly. We are commanded in the Bible to take care of our bodies in order to better honor God and be a witness to others of our live for Him.

  • If fate is predestined, why take care of yourself?
  • Realize that ultimately there is only one person who can protect you, and that is Jesus Christ. He is the only one who was ever victorious over death, and promises eternal life to all who follow Him. Buddha, Confucius and Mohammed stayed dead.

  • How do I deal with my fears?
  • Yes, and no. Your soul and spirit will be totally protected and your future secure in heaven, but God may sovereignly allow things to occur in your life to teach you to grow in your faith. Like a muscle, your faith will need to be exercised to grow strong. But He promises never to test you beyond the breaking point (I Cor. 10:13) and to never leave you (Heb. 13:5).

  • If I become a Christian, will I be safe from now on?
  • Let God be your everlasting rock and solid foundation, who cannot be toppled by airplanes hitting Him. His love and Spirit will strengthen you!

  • I feel so weak.
  • First, it’s good to acknowledge it and talk about it. But the real issue to establishing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who will give you the power to channel your anger in a constructive and healing way over time.

  • I am full of anger. How do I deal with it?
  • Religion itself can be bad and has resulted in many atrocities; from crusades to jihads … just study what Jesus had to say about ‘religion’ and a group called the Pharisees. However, a personal relationship with God through Christ is a completely different issue.

  • Is all religion bad? All wars seem to be religiously motivated.
  • says you are by nature bad enough. Men and women in their natural states do wicked deeds, think evil thought, go to bad places, and reject Jesus Christ – because of their own evil hearts. No one is naturally or totally, perfectly good. We all need a Savior. Those who do not come to Him send themselves to hell.

  • I feel I am good enough as I am. God
  • We need to live by standards, not comparisons. Measure yourself by Jesus if you want to know how good or bad you are. And note … He claims to be the final Judge. You either have to be as perfect as Jesus, or admit you cannot do it on your own and accept God’s love gift of salvation and follow Him.

  • I am as good as others.
  • The world is not run by feelings, contrary to what the soap operas portray. Most people do most of their worthy acts contrary to feeling. Doctors do not deal with disease or disasters because of happy feelings, but because of necessity. God says you are a sinner, whether you feel like it or not. You have a terminal disease called cancer. Please do not ignore the cure God lovingly offers. It’s at your own peril.

  • I do not feel a need for Christ.
  • That’s commendable, but God does not grade on the curve. Your ‘best’ is not good enough to achieve perfection, the basis for ‘entrance’ Your only ticket into heaven is obtained through coming into a personal, forgiving relationship with His Son, our Savior Jesus Christ who paid the ticket price for you to enter.

  • I am doing the best I can.
  • Maybe you feel that way, but God said that anyone could come to Him and receive salvation. Look at the Apostle Paul, who before he came to know Christ was a murderer and henchman towards Christians.

  • I am too big a sinner.
  • Hypocrites are not the issue. Unless they come to Christ, they too will be lost. Besides, you have to be smaller than what you hide behind. If you ‘hide’ behind the excuse of ‘hypocrites’, you must be smaller than them.

  • There are too many hypocrites in the church.
  • Please accept my sincere apologies for his/her actions, but is that any reason why you should not look past that offense and come to Jesus? Be honest … you have wronged Him by your sins from the day you were born, and He is still ready and eager to forgive you. I mean, really, are you saying that you’d rather choose to go to hell just because someone else hurt you?

  • A professing Christian wronged me.
  • Yes, some things in life give temporary pleasure. But, let’s get serious. Would you rather ‘enjoy’ a few material things or relationships now for a relatively short time and then go to eternal hell, missing future blessings in heaven?

  • There is too much to give up.
  • I guess that’s what many in the World Trade Center thought who did not want to come to Christ before Sept. 11. Honestly, do you think that’s a wise course of action when you don’t know if you will be alive tomorrow?

  • I’ll take my chances.
  • Actually, God allows them to make their own decision. He has shown His incredible love by sending His very own Son to die in your place, so a better question is "What motivated God to give us an option to be saved when He could have totally destroyed us in the first place?"

  • How can God damn a person to hell?
  • Religion is not the answer; a personal relationship with the true, loving God is. Jesus clearly said that no one could come to the Father except through Him. He is the only way, the only truth, and the only life.

  • I am already religious.
  • Well, are you willing to risk the fact that a tragedy or other terrorist attack may overtake you and you won’t have the time?

  • I want to hold off on any decisions.
  • No one can without the power that Christ gives once He enters a person’s life. You can have His power to change once you humble yourself, admit you cannot do it alone, ask Him to be your Savior, and decide to follow Him as Lord. []

  • I can’t break away from my sins.
  • All other religions and cults tell their followers that they must struggle on their own to obtain salvation or ‘paradise’. Christianity states that the real issue is our own personal sin, and that only a sinless, infinite person, the God-Man Jesus Christ, could ever be a substitute and pay the infinite penalty required by a perfect God for each person’s sins. Better yet, Christianity involves a personal relationship with the Creator, not some distant, non-personal state like the other religions portray God(s).

  • What is the main difference between Christianity and other religions?
  • Because the Bible is the only religious book in the world which not only claims it is divinely originated, but offers the internal test of prophecy coupled with recorded history to verify its authenticity. Check it out!

  • Why should I accept the Bible as the final authority?
  • Buddha, Confucius, and Mohammed never claimed to be God … only so-called prophets. Jesus Christ unmistakably claimed and demonstrated to be God Himself. Check it out!

  • How is Jesus different from all other religious leaders?
  • I understand, and do not want to minimize your struggle. However, it is better to believe the truth, even if you have to die for it, then submit to peer pressure to conform to a false religion. Christianity is the only religion which explains how God can (and does) forgive our sins.

  • I am from another faith, and I fear persecution.
  • Sin is somehow intertwined in our physical makeup. Incredible as it sounds, Jesus became a single embryonic cell God the Father inserted into Mary’s womb so He (the infinite Son of God) could be born sinless [which was only physically possible if Mary was virgin {Isa. 7:14, Mt. 1:23}] into the human race, experience humanity, die in our place, and purchase our salvation.

  • Why was Mary a virgin?
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