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  New Age-Bible Talk

About New Age Views:

There are nine New Age core beliefs* that I hold to. They are:

Evolutionary optimism:

We believe that the world is poised to explode into a New Age of enlightenment. We are convinced that this 'new world order' will be united under a one world government and initiated by a quantum leap in humanity's spiritual evolution. We see the next step of evolution as people becoming 'gods'.


Monism means 'oneness'. We believe that we are all one with each other and the universe. We are all connected by the common cord of the cosmos.


We do not believe in a personal God. We believe that the totality of all the 'oneness' in the cosmos can collectively be called 'god'. Some call it 'the force'. Others call it 'consciousness'. But by any label it is the deification of the universe and everything in it. That's why Shirley MacLaine, one of us who has become famous in human eyes, boldly proclaimed, "I am God." We believe that as part of this cosmic consciousness, she is god and so are you and me.

Transformation of Consciousness:

We believe that the New Age must be experienced to be transformational. Through meditation, drugs, yoga, martial arts, or cosmic experiences, the goal of the New Ager is to become one with the universe. The goal is a state of mind that is at peace with oneself and at one with one's universe.

Create your own reality:

In our movement morals are subjective. Since there is not an external objective standard of authority when it comes to behavior then you are free to create your own moral reality. The New Age encourages its participants to experiment and experience our own morals on our journey toward oneness.

Unlimited human potential:

We are convinced that all the power of the universe is available to every person. The more that we can know the god within us the more we can unleash the cosmic force to achieve the unachievable (ESP, telepathy, out of body experiences, and psychokinesis [moving or manipulating objects with our minds] are all evidence of their belief in unlimited human potential).

Spirit Contact:

We believe that there is an army of spirit guides, extraterrestrials, and entities who are seeking to communicate to humans through mediums or channelers. These channelers are humans who are in touch with the cosmic consciousness and are used by these spirit guides to communicate universal truth to others. Of course, this opens the spiritual door to extreme demonic influence.

Masters from Above:

We believe that UFO's and those who have had extraterrestrial encounters prove that there is not only life on other planets, but that these more evolved species have much to teach us.

Religious Syncretism:

This is a fancy term meaning that New Age spirituality is a rather eclectic grab bag of Eastern mysticism, Western occultism, neopaganism, and human psychology. Many of us claim to be Christian-although we define it completely different from Christianity. Most Americans today are New Age in at least some areas of their belief system. The whole concept of "it doesn't matter what you believe, it only matters that you believe," flows from the New Age belief system. 

About God:

What you say: I have no belief in God as the Bible reveals Him in the New Age belief system. 

What the Bible says: God identified Himself as "I Am" (Exodus 20:2) - meaning He is the self-existent (has no beginning or end) eternal Creator of the universe.

About the Trinity:

What you say: I don't believe in the Trinity. I reject the concept of a personal, powerful God. She believes that all is 'god' and 'god' is all.

What the Bible says: There is one God and yet three Persons (Isaiah 45:5; Deuteronomy 6:4; James 2:19).

About Jesus:

What you say: Jesus was an enlightened man. He was in touch with his cosmic consciousness and was able to tap into this universal power to heal others. I believe that he is only god in the same sense that we are gods.

What the Bible says: Jesus is fully God and fully man. He is not a god. He is the God of the universe (John 1:1, 14, 18; 8:58; 10:30. Compare Titus 2:13 and Isaiah 45:21), and He is equal with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.

About the Bible:

What you say: The Bible is God's Word in the same sense that the Book of Koran and the Book of Mormon is God's Word. But I do warn you that you should not take the Bible literally. It should be gleaned for cosmic truth mystically, not literally.

What the Bible says: Those who trust in Christ alone as their only hope of salvation spend eternity in heaven; those who reject Christ spend an eternity in hell (John 5:24-30; Revelation 20:11-15).

About the Afterlife:

What you say: I, and in the same way other New Agers, have varying beliefs about the afterlife, but the majority of us believe in some form of reincarnation.

What the Bible says: Salvation is by faith in Christ on the basis of His death on the cross. Good works have nothing to do with being saved (John 3:16-17, 36; 6:29,47; Romans 4:1-5; Galatians 2:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5).

About Salvation:

What you say: Salvation is found in becoming one with the universe. It is not a personal, permanent relationship with the God of the universe through faith in Christ, but rather a melting of ourselves in the cosmic pot of mystic oneness.

What the Bible says: Salvation is by faith in Christ on the basis of His death on the cross. Good works have nothing to do with being saved (John 3:16-17, 36; 6:29,47; Romans 4:1-5; Galatians 2:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5).

Christ said that He is the "way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). Salvation in Jesus Christ gives us endless freedom from suffering, guilt, and sin and also the gift of eternal good life without suffering! In Matthew 11:28, Jesus makes this promise: " Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." This is the reason why Jesus died on the cross for you! No matter how much you screw up, He's still there for you! That's something to look forward to! A God who's still willing to accept you even though you don't deserve it!

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