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  Religious-Bible Talk

Introducing... You!

By believing in certain creeds or statements of beliefs, and by strictly engaging in certain religious behaviors, I will be on God's 'nice' list, while those who aren't religious are on God's 'naughty' list. I've been raised with this since day one, which is why religion and good works are such a key part of my life. Religion is a combination of faith and good works that will one day get me into heaven.

About God:

What you say: I believe in God and that He's real.

What the Bible says: God identified Himself as "I Am" (Exodus 20:2) - meaning He is the self-existent (has no beginning or end) eternal Creator of the universe.

About the Trinity:

What you say: I believe in the Trinity

What the Bible says: There is one God and yet three Persons (Isaiah 45:5; Deuteronomy 6:4; James 2:19).

About Jesus:

What you say: I believe in Jesus.

What the Bible says: Jesus is fully God and fully man, He is the God of the universe (John 1:1, 14, 18; 8:58; 10:30. Compare Titus 2:13 and Isaiah 45:21), and His death on the cross completely paid for the sins of the world (1 John 2:2).

About the Bible:

What you say: I believe that the Bible is God's word.

What the Bible says: The Bible alone is the word of God and is absolute truth. It is without error. It cannot and should not be added to or subtracted from (2 Timothy 3:16-4:4; Revelation 22:18-20), and it is also the ultimate authority on spiritual matters (i.e. no man made church teachings or traditions are equal with it).

About the Afterlife:

What you say: The afterlife where there is a heaven and hell, and that which place you end up is determined by how religious you were here on earth.

What the Bible says: Those who trust in Christ alone as their only hope of salvation spend eternity in heaven; those who reject Christ spend an eternity in hell. (John 5:24-30; Revelation 20:11-15).

About Salvation:

What you say: Salvation is earned by believing and behaving the right way. I'm not absolutely sure I'll make it into heaven, but I do hope that my good deeds will outweigh my bad deeds.

What the Bible says:
Salvation is by faith in Christ ALONE on the basis of His death on the cross. (John 3:16-17, 36; 6:29,47; Romans 4:1-5; Galatians 2:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5) Good works are a natural result of our salvation, but they have nothing to do with our salvation.

If a religious person sinned only 3 times a day. While that seems good, when you add it up it becomes very bad. Three sins a day is over a thousand sins a year, and if he lives to be in his 80's, he will have sinned over 80,000 times!

Have you ever lied?
Revelation 21:8 says that "all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."

The standard for getting into heaven is absolute perfection. 

Jesus lived a perfect life! He was the only one who could pay the price for our sin, and about 2000 years ago, He did!

In Philippians 3:4-12, Paul goes into detail about how he once depended on his 'religion' to please God, but after he trusted Christ, he saw all those things as trash. If Paul saw religion in that light, what should that teach us? 
When Jesus meant when he said "it is finished" on the cross. That phrase actually means 'paid in full'.

Christ said that He is the "way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). Salvation in Jesus Christ gives us endless freedom from suffering, guilt, and sin and also the gift of eternal good life without suffering! In Matthew 11:28, Jesus makes this promise: " Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." This is the reason why Jesus died on the cross for you! No matter how much you screw up, He's still there for you! That's something to look forward to! A God who's still willing to accept you even though you don't deserve it!

Are you a good person?

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